Views of Participants



It was great time in asc nainital. It had given one
of the best
memories of my life.

Pooja Saklani


If a heaven exists on earth, then it is ASC Nainital. Join a course and enjoy. I have done it twice.

Suman Kumar, New Delhi

Great tips from our partner
A gift for a male motorist on his birthday


The ASC Naintal had provided me 21 most memorable days of my life as i went for RC in June 2008 and the Nov. 2008 on Almora campus. These days we knew the value of life more firmly. All the official people are wonderfully sincere and helpful a little bit strict. We have many common friends thanks to the class and boarding facilities. Once again than you ASC Nainital

Anupam Deka, Assam



ASC Nainital is really a paradise we gets all thing which is desire to develop ...

Mallesh Zungaswami, Maharastra


ASC Nainital had indeed great ASC in India that 28 day memorable in my life. I got very great friend there.

Chandrakant Magar, Maharashtra



It is indeed a great place for learning not just about academics but also about humility, team work, discipline and time management. yes i got some very good friends here, i am proud to be associated with such an institution. Thank u so much.

Madhavi Arekar, Maharashtra


आदरणीय निदेशक, उपनिदेशक, सहायक निदेशक जी को मेरा सादर प्रणाम.

आप सबने हमारे प्रति जो प्रेम दिखाया उसका मै तहे दिल से शुक्रगुजार हू. आप सब लोगोंका बहोत बडा काम हें. रेफ्रेशेर कोर्स के दर्मियान आप का स्नेह पाकर आपसे बहुत कुछ नया सिखने को मिला. मै तो अभी भी दिलसे नैनिताल में ही हू .

Vivek Khare, Maharashtra


 Views of Participants



My days at ASC Nainital






















      Joby Joseph

Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, MarThoma College, Tiruvalla, Kerala

 When the time came for doing an Orientation program, I searched in the internet. I was searching for an ASC where god classes are going on.  When entered the website of ASC Nainital, I was quite impressed –not just because it was beautifully designed, but was quite updated also. Well, Nainital is a very famous tourist place and I was thinking of making use of weekends for some trekking and photography (I am font of both!). Immediately I applied for OP-17at ASC Nainital. More covers and articles with elite writing can be found at the main page.

When I reached there, I was directed to the dormitory. There were already some participants from different parts of the country. During the first few days we were quite formal to each other but soon realized that all are of similar wavelengths. Soon the atmosphere changed and evenings became much alive. We gathered at any room and engaged in cultural activities. Language, subjects and ethnicity was no longer a barrier and we all were back in our college student life!

The classes were quite informative and never been boredom. The administrators always paid attention to invite resource persons from different streams that are quite relevant to all teachers. There were a lot of group activities, group discussion and group projects also. This made a feeling that we all are family members. There was a microteaching sessions which helped us to analyze and improve our own weaknesses and strengths of teaching. There were some research project proposal making and PowerPoint presentation also which helped a lot those who are at the beginning of research career.  When the course finished we all were fully satisfied with the course experience.

ASC Nainital is a very good place for doing Orientation Program in my experience. The classes are extremely good and cover various subject areas as well as pedagogy. There was always a thrust to improve research skill of participants. There were participants from all parts of India and were a lot of group activities which encouraged interactions among participants. The evenings were quite alive and there was no barrier of language, subject areas or ethnicity. We all were enjoying our old college student days again! Nainital is a very good tourist place also and we were able to make use of our weekends for trekking and site seeing. I am quite impressed by the OP-17. Thank you very much, ASC Nainital.




Harish Kumar Verma

Assistant Professor, Department of  Law

L.R. Institute of Legal Studies Jabali Kayar P.O. Oachghat Teh.- Solan Distt.- Solan (Himachal Pradesh)

    At the very first outset I would like to say that  we all the participants were from different parts of the country therefore the first challenge before us how to interact and adjust with each other in dormitory in the initial days of  programme. But as the course progress further participants became familiar with each other and a family i.e. OP 17 emerged out due this dormitory facilities given over here to us.

    We accept that the hostels are under construction and very soon ASC would be in a position to provide separate accommodation to all participants coming over here in future to attend RC and OP.  The ASC did its best to provide us all facilities despite of having shortage of accommodation. For this I and my fellow participants are thankful to ASC and university authorities for arranging each and everything for us in niece way in this winter season

    As we all know that in any OP participants of different disciplines participate and under such circumstance it becomes difficult for any ASC to arrange resource persons of all disciplines. I on behalf of my fellow participants would like to congrates ASC who as per the expectations of participants called and invited senior persons to deliver lectures here. The OP-17 family feels that senior resource persons having knowledge and command over their subjects should be invited in orientation programmes.  All senior resource persons interacted with participants on very useful and common topics easily understandable to all. I extend thanks on behalf of all participants for arranging good resource persons who spoke on very useful burning issues such as Corruption, National Integration, and Disaster Management, fossil fuels, teaching skills and so many others.

    All members of OP 17 agree that the course designed for this OP was good from many aspects. We learned lot of new things which can uplift our teaching and research standards. Mention worthy assignments allotted us were writing research project proposal, micro teaching, film documentary review and PPP.  Majority of the participants were not acquainted with the skill how to write Research Project Proposal. Writing individual research project proposal was new experience for them. Respected Sir we assure you that after going back from here to our respective departments those who were not working on projects they will work and send individuals projects to different funding agencies.

     Similarly Power Point presentation was another useful assignment from which we learned different things. The participants learned how to prepare and present PPP. It was a new experience to majority of the participants. In this context we all are thankful to Dr. Reetesh  Sah who told us how to prepare PPT. It would enhance our teaching skills and would also make teaching the easier job. 

    Micro Teaching was another useful assignment. The feedback given to participants was valuable and useful to improve teaching skills. However in this context member of OP- 17 family feel that there should be video recording of the micro teaching and some subject experts should be there to judge contents of topic taught by participants. We are thankful to Prof. B.L. Sah & Dr. Diyva Joshi who acknowledged this fact during micro teaching presentation. We expect that ASC would think over it.  We appreciate the efforts of ASC for giving us proper feedback which could be very useful to improve our skills in teaching carrier in future.

    A study tour was also organized during this OP and participants visited to different lakes in and around Nainital. It was good experience to all the participants to visit together to various beautiful places and to spend some time in the lap of nature at all places. Thanks to ASC for providing us transportation facilities to make this tour unforgettable for us.

     So for as the quality of food provided during 28 days is concerned it was good. The ASC and the mess team took care about the variety of food provided in breakfast, lunch and dinner. All participants are happy and satisfied with food quality.

     In last I on behalf of my fellow participants want to conclude that overall the course design was good. The project proposal, group research projects, film review and micro teachings all were good and participants learnt lot of things from this OP 17. We once again extend our thanks to the teaching and non teaching Staff of ASC who helped us in varity of ways to make this course a complete success for us. We all participants assure ASC that we would not miss to attend RC here in future if opportunity would be given to us. 


Madhavi Arekar

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vidya Prasarak Mandals’, K.G. Joshi College of Arts & N.G. Bedekar College of Commerce  Chendani Bunder Road, Thane, (Maharashtra)

When we applied for the course none of us was having any idea what we are heading for. Everyone among us was checked the names of the fellow-participants on the website and wondered at the cultural diversity we would experience.

On the first day of O.P.-15 we met the participants with whom we would share the journey of knowledge for almost a month. We were 26. The communication was initiated by an ice-breaking activity conducted by Dr. Reetesh Sah. The rules and regulations of ASC Nainital and the Orientation Programme were clearly communicated by Prof. B.L. Sah and Dr. Divya U. Joshi.

Well, we stepped into an entire new world of information and a new aspect of experience and knowledge was emerging share we started relating to each others' culture and to some extent understand different languages. It is said that the family which eats togehter, lives together. Meeting each other at meals and exchanging light notes about each others' culture sparked a 'big family feel' which was reflected when somebody was ill, everybody was concerned. At times, there was sudden burst of laughter in the dinning room. If some body had a chocolate or toffees, they were shared by all.

Many times, a child was revealed in all of us when we wanted to rush back to our rooms after the lectures prof. J.K. Joshi in his lecture on "Education" has said us, I quote", children walk to school, but they run home". We all 26 participants proved him right.

Study Tour was organised for us on 16th May, it was altogether a different experience where we not only learned the different aspects of Nainital but most importantly the lessons of group dynamics and had lots of fun. Most interesting feature that we all enjoyed was group discussion we all fought, argued and we all won. Victory was shared by everybody.

The assignment of writing a Minor Research Project Proposal was an extremely fruitful exercise in developing an insight in the field of research. It made us understand the minute details of writing a Project Proposal and presenting it in form of Power Point in front of the experts. The remarks made by Prof. B.L. Sah, Dr. Divya U. Joshi and Dr. Reetesh Sah will surely prove helpful.

O.P.- 15 will be known for its photographs. Every moment was like a Kodak Moment Gosh!!! we have clicked more than 5000 photographs. Amazing, isn't it

Now that we are going back to our homes we are taking with us all the information and knowledge provided by the experts and the guidance by the faculty of ASC, Nainital with sweet memories of this place. This is just a beginning for all of us in our journey of Research, teaching and Learning.

I, Madhavi Arekar on behalf of each participant present here express our gratitude towards every member of ASC, Nainital




Dr. D.S.Bisht Reader, Amrapali Institute, Haldwani

Workshop-21st Century Learning Concepts

In his inaugural speech Hon'ble Director emphasized different learning outcomes of the workshop and provide different strategic concepts to yield maximum from the workshop. Asst. Director emphasized the utility of in-service training and implementation of training skills.

The Facilitator Ms. Sapna Bisht Trained us in using diigo toolbar, web 2.0, bogging, downloading and uploading of different resources in computer through internet.

The specific feature of the workshop was Project Approach Based Teaching and Learning. This is a real innovation which uses maximum senses of the learner to achieve maximum objectives of Teaching - Learning Process. The content for the workshop was really based on the present need for effective Teaching Learning process. It must also be refined in Indian Context and local need base. 

I am grateful to Hon'ble V.C. Sir and Director ASC for providing opportunity to the private institute's faculty members to participate in the workshop and humbly request that in future also they will give us chance to attend different courses, workshops, seminars conducted by the ASC.

I am also thankful to every member of ASC staff for their kind cooperation and positive attitude. I also assure you that we will definitely implicate the knowledge and skills achieved during the workshop in our institute to enhance pupil teachers teaching ability.